Gwenni aeth i ffair Pwllheli
Gwenni aeth i ffair Pwllheli,
eisiau padell bridd oedd arni;
rhodd amdani chwech o syllte
costiau gartre ddwy a dime.
Simpl, siampl, ffinistr, ffanstr,
doedd rhyw helynt fawr ar Gwen.
Gwenno aeth yn fore i odro,
gwerth y chweswllt rhwng ei dwylo;
rhodd y fuwch un slap â'i chynffon
nes oedd y chweswllt bron yn deilchion.
Simpl, siampl, ffinistr, ffanstr,
doedd rhyw helynt fawr ar Gwen.
Gwenni aeth yn fore i olchi,
eisiau dillad glân oedd arni;
tra bu Gwen yn nôl y sebon
y dillad aeth i lawr yr afon.
Simpl, siampl, ffinistr, ffanstr,
doedd rhyw helynt fawr ar Gwen.
Gwenni went to Pwllheli Fayre
Gwenni went to Pwllheli Fayre,
she wanted a soil pan;
she gave six shillings for it
which at home cost two and a halfpenny.
Simpl, shampl, ffinistr, ffanstr,
there was no big trouble on Gwen.
In the morning, Gwenno went to milk,
six shilling worth in her hand;
the cow gave a slap of her tail
until the six shillings was nearly in tatters.
Simpl, shampl, ffinistr, ffanstr,
there was no big trouble on Gwen.
Gwenno went one morning to wash,
she wanted clean clothes;
whilst Gwen fetched the soap
the clothes went down the river.
Simpl, shampl, ffinistr, ffanstr,
there was no big trouble on Gwen.