Mae canu yn ffordd dda i helpu datblygu sgiliau iaith, rhifedd ac ehangu geirfa, yn enwedig pan bod symudiadiau i fynd gyda'r geiriau. Mae'r caneuon yn hawdd i'w cofio ac yn gwneud dysgu'n hwyliog.
Singing is a great way to help your child learn a variety of skills from a young age - learning the alphabet, counting, colours and parts of the body. Encourage them to perform actions that go with the song. Songs make things easier for the child to remember and help build an early starting point for language, writing and maths skills.

Beth sydd yn y fasged siopa
What is in the shopping basket

Cân y cyfri
The counting song -
Clapio a chyfrif
Clapping and counting -
Cyfri'r bysedd
Counting the fingers

Deryn melyn
A yellow bird -
Dillad Mabon
Mabon's clothes -
Dyma'r ffordd i olchi wyneb
This is the way to wash a face -
Dyma’r ffordd i olchi dwylo
This is the way to wash hands

Enwi'r bysedd
The names of the fingers

Fel hyn mae mam...
This is how mam...

Fferm tadcu
Grandad's farm -
Fferm yr Hafod
Hafod farm

Occupations -
Gwenynen fach
A little bee

I fewn i’r arch â nhw
Into the ark they go

Lliwiau enfys
Colours of the rainbow

Mae'n gystal gen i swllt
I prefer to have a shilling -
Mr Hapus ydw i
Mr Happy, I am

Nofio, nofio, yn y môr
Swim, swim, in the sea

Oes gafr eto?
Is there another goat?

Pawb i wisgo
Everyone's to wear -
Pen, ysgwyddau, coesau, traed
Head, shoulders, legs feet -
Pum crocodeil
Five crocodiles

Roedd tri yn cysgu
There were three sleeping

Rhowch y lliain ar y bwrdd
Put the [table] cloth on the table

Sut wyt ti?
How are you? -
Sŵn yr anifeiliaid
Sounds of the animals -
Symud y corff
Move that body

Un a dau a thri banana
One and two and three bananas -
Un bys dau fys
One finger, two fingers -
Un gath fach
One kitten

Wyt ti eisiau dod i siopa?
Do you want to come shopping?

Y ditectif bwyd
The food detective -
Y lliwiau yn Gymraeg
The colours in Welsh -
Y tywydd
The weather
- Darganfyddwch fwy o ganeuon yn ein mynegai llawn
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