Pwy sy'n dwad dros y bryn
Pwy sy'n dwad dros y bryn,
yn ddistaw, ddistaw bach?
Ei farf yn llais, a'i wallt yn wyn,
â rhywbeth yn ei sach.
A phwy sy'n eistedd ar y tô,
ar bwys y simdde fawr?
Siôn Corn, Siôn Corn. Helo, helo.
Tyrd yma, tyrd i lawr
Mae saith rhyfeddod yn dy sach,
gad i mi weled un?
a rho ryw drysoe bychan bach
yn enw Mab y Dyn.
Mae'r gwynt yn oer ar frig y tô,
mae yma disgwyl mawr.
Siôn Corn, Siôn Corn. Helo, helo.
Tyrd yma, tyrd i lawr
Who is coming over the hill
Who is coming over the hill
very very quietly?
His beard is full, and his hair is white
with something in his sack.
And who is sitting on the roof
next to the big chimney?
Father Christmas, father Christmas. Hello, hello
Come here, come on down
There are seven wonders in your sack,
May I see one?
And put a little treasure
in the name of the Son of Man.
The wind is cold on the peak of the roof,
there's a large expectation here
Father Christmas, father Christmas. Hello, hello
Come here, come on down