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Llongau Caernarfon

Mae'r holl longau wrth y cei yn llwytho
Pam na chawn i fynd fel pawb i forio.
Dacw dair yn dechrau warpio
Ac am hwylio heno
Birkinhead, Bordo a Wiclo.

Toc daw'r stemar bach i dowio
Golau gwyrdd ar waliau wrth fynd heibio.

Pedair llong wrth angor yn yr afon
Aros teit i fynd tan Gastell C'narfon
Dacw bedwar goleu melyn
A rhyw gwch ar gychwyn
Clywed swn y rhwyfau wedyn

Toc daw'r stemar bach i dowio
Goleu coch ar waliau wrth fynd heibio.

Llongau'n hwylio draw a llongau'n canlyn
Heddyw fory ac yfory wedyn
Mynd a'u llwyth o lechi gleision
Dan eu hwyliau gwynion
Rhai i Ffrainc a rhai i'r Werddon

O na chown i fynd ar f'union
Dros y môr a hwylio nôl i G'narfon.

Holaf ym mhob llong ar hyd yr harbwr
Oes 'na le i hogyn fynd yn llongwr
A chael spleinsio rhaff a rhiffio
A chael dysgu llywio
A chael mynd mewn cwch i sgwlio

O na chawn i fynd yn llongwr
A'r holl longau'n llwytho yn yr harbwr.

gan J. Glyn Davies, 1936

Ships of Caernarfon

All the boats by the quay are loading
Why can’t I go like everyone sailing.
There are three starting to raise the anchor
And sailing tonight for
Birkenhead, Bordeaux a Wicklow.

Soon the small steamer will come to tow
A green light on the walls while going by.

Four ships at anchor in the river
Staying tight to go below Caernarfon Castle
There are four yellow lights
And some boats about to set out
And then I hear the sound of oars

Soon the small steamer will come to tow
A red light on the walls while going by.

Ships sailing by and ships following
Today, tomorrow and the day after
Going with their loads of blue slates
Below their white sails
Some to France and some to Ireland

Oh Why can’t I go with the others
Across the sea and sail back to Caernarfon.

I will ask on every ship in the harbour
Have they space for a lad to become a sailor
And get to splice rope and to reef (sail)
And get to learn to pilot
And get to go sculling in a boat

Oh Why can’t I become a sailor
And with all the ships loading in the harbour.

by J. Glyn Davies, 1936



Fel siaradwr ail iaith gyda phlentyn bach, sylweddolais na wyddem y geiriau na’r tonau i’r hwiangerddi Cymraeg. Bu rhaid i mi eu ddysgu gair am air a nodyn wrth nodyn oddi wrth fy ngwraig amyneddgar, tra bod hi’n canu i'm merch fach. Rwy’n siwr nad wyf ar fy hun yn y sefyllfa yma, felly creuais i’r wefan yma i geisio helpu fy hun ac eraill.

I built this website because (as a second language Welsh speaker) I neither know the words nor the tunes to any Welsh language nursery rhymes, and am learning them slowly and painfully from my wonderful and patient wife as we sing them to my wonderful daughter. Thank you both for your patience with your tone deaf father / husband, and I hope this resource helps some others out there in my position.


Polisi cwcis

Ni ddefnwyddir cwcis ar y wefan yma (heblaw y mewnblaniadau SoundCloud). Er rydyn ni yn achlysurol yn mwynau cwci gyda phaned o de tra’n canu ei’n hoff hwiangerddi, ni dderbyniwn unrhyw gyfrifoldeb am unrhyw ddifrod gysylltiedig â cwcis

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