Mae gen i ddafad gorniog
Mae gen i ddafad gorniog
ac arni bwys o wlân
yn pori min yr afon
ymysg y cerrig mân
ond daeth rhyw hwsmon heibio
a hysiodd arni gi
ni welais i byth mo 'nafad
os gwn i welsoch chi?
Mi gwelais hi yn y Bala
newydd werthu'i gwlân
yn eistedd yn ei chadair
'flaen tanllwyth mawr o dân
a'i phibell a’i thybaco
yn smocio’n abal ffri
a dyna lle mae'r ddafad
"Good morrow John, how dee?"
Mae gen i iâr yn eistedd
ar ben y Oebnaeb Mawr
mi es i droed yr Wyddfa
i alw honno i lawr
mi hedodd a mi hedodd
a’i chywion gyda hi
i eitha tir y Werddon
"Good morrow John, how dee?"
I have a horned sheep
I have a horned sheep
who has a pound of wool
grazing on the river verge
amongst the shingle
but along came the farmer
who set the dogs on her
I never saw my sheep again
I wonder if you saw her?
I saw her in Bala
just after selling her wool
sitting in her chair
in front of a large blazing fire
with her pipe and tobacco
smoking freely
and there is where the sheep is
"Good morrow John, how dee?"
I have a chicken sitting
on top of the Large Oebnaeb
I went to the foot of Snowdon
to call her down
she flew and flew
her chicks with her
over to Ireland
"Good morrow John, how dee?"